Headline stats and insights
This project is all about using our speed tracker and video clips to have as much fun as possible, with as many people as possible
Here's some of the headlines from data collected so far….
Total balls recorded 389
By 81 bowlers.
From 20 teams.
In 20 sessions.
With 41 personal bests.
Average speeds
The average bowling speed in recreational cricket is 49.6 mph so far. Anyone clocking close to this is at the pinnacle of village trundling. We salute you.
Fastest 73 mph.
Slowest 31 mph.
Female record 61 mph.
Male record 73 mph.
Bowling categories
42 - Slow ( < 40 mph )
147 - Slow Medium ( 40 to 49 mph )
146 - Medium Slow ( 50 to 59 mph )
54 - Medium ( 60 to 74 mph )
0 - Medium Fast ( 75 to 79 mph )
0 - Fast Medium ( 80 to 85 mph )
0 - Fast ( > 86 mph )

The data we’re collecting is starting to reveal some interesting stories beyond individuals’ speeds. Please get in touch if you can see opportunities to explore other insights. trundlersclub@gmail.com